16. septembar 2024 19:05

Vucevic chairs session of council coordinating GDP growth measures

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic on Monday chaired a session of a government council tasked with coordinating activities and measures aimed at GDP growth.

"The Council members informed me of the implementation of key investment projects as well as the state of the energy sector and of preparations for the upcoming heating season," Vucevic wrote in a post on his Instagram profile.

He added that the council had also analysed the fundamental macroeconomic indicators and their projections until the end of 2024.

The council also reviewed the results achieved in all fields crucial for economic stability, and the results achieved in the construction, industrial production, mining and agriculture sectors were also presented.

It highlighted the importance of investing in irrigation and flood protection systems, the Serbian government said in a statement.

The council said inflation was not expected to exceed 4 pct by the end of the year.

It also urged continued investment in capital road and railway infrastructure projects as well as in the health care and environmental protection sectors.

The council concluded that special emphasis would be placed on finding new export markets for Serbian products.

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