8. mart 2023 19:16

Brnabic: FTA with China due by end of 2023

Autor: Tanjug



MT KOPAONIK - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday a FTA with China was due by the end of the year.

"I believe we will reach a FTA with China and hopefully negotiate it and sign it by the end of this year, and that we will become even stronger in that regard," Brnabic said at the Kopaonik Business Forum.

She said that, in terms of further partnerships, the government's priorities for 2023 were FTAs with China, Egypt and the UAE.

"That is our focus right now and we believe it will open up additional space for both goods and services trade, as well as for an inflow of new technologies to Serbia. In that regard, for me, the special focus is on artificial intelligence," Brnabic said.

She said Serbian exports to China had multiplied by as much as 153 times over the past decade, reaching 1.1 bln euros in 2022 and making China a very important partner.