7. april 2023 14:54

MAT: January and February inflation in Serbia lower than in six EU countries

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Shutterstock.com/Bigc Studio, ilustarcija

BELGRADE - January and February y-o-y inflation in Serbia was higher than EU inflation, but also lower than in six individual EU member states, according to the latest issue of the Makroekonomske analize i trendovi (MAT) monthly, published by the Belgrade Institute of Economics and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.

According to the concept of the harmonised consumer price index, January and February y-o-y inflation in Serbia was 15.2 pct and 15.4 pct, respectively, compared to 10 pct and 9.9 pct in the EU.

January y-o-y inflation in Serbia was lower compared to Poland (15.9 pct), Lithuania (18.5 pct), Estonia (18.6 pct), the Czech Republic (19.1 pct), Latvia (21.4 pct) and Hungary (26.2 pct).

In February, only Slovakia had the same y-o-y inflation as Serbia (15.4 pct), while six other EU member states registered higher y-o-y inflation - Lithuania and Poland (17.2 pct each), Estonia (17.8 pct), the Czech Republic (18.4 pct), Latvia (20.1 pct) and Hungary (25.8 pct), MAT said.