18. maj 2023 11:39

Brnabic meets with World Bank representatives

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic met with World Bank representatives for the Western Balkans on Wednesday.

The parties noted that Serbia was seeing major economic success and that it had registered GDP growth of 9 pct over the past four years - three times the GDP growth in the EU and above the level of economic growth in the region, the Serbian government said in a statement.

The World Bank delegation, headed by World Bank Country Director for the Western Balkans Xiaoqing Yu, noted that Serbia had done especially well during the coronavirus pandemic and registered economic progress in that period.

Brnabic underscored that Serbia focused on attracting new investments and on investing in human capital and education.

She noted that there were many small companies across Serbia that were operating successfully and deserved special attention.

Brnabic said recommendations made by the World Bank representatives were very useful, and thanked them for the suggestions.