13. jul 2023 16:55

Djedovic meets with JICA delegation

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic met with a Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) delegation on Thursday to discuss progress of current projects and opportunities for cooperation in new energy sector projects.

The delegation thanked a Ministry of Mining and Energy team for supporting the implementation of projects underway and expressed interest in cooperation in a new project to build a Bistrica reversible hydropower plant.

"We have formed a special project team and, together with representatives of (the national electric power company) EPS, we will continue to work on the design and technical documentation. In parallel with preparing an environmental impact study and the design, it is important that we continue discussions about securing financing because this is a major, 628 MW project. The construction of the Bistrica reversible hydropower plant is a priority project in the plan on development of energy infrastructure and energy efficiency measures adopted by the Serbian government, and it will have an important role in our efforts to boost energy generation from renewable sources," Djedovic said.

At the meeting, information was exchanged on progress of works to build a desulfurisation facility at the Nikola Tesla A (TENT A) coal-fired power plant, which will significantly reduce harmful gas emissions from the plant.

"While coordinating all participants of the projects at TENT A, we are striving to complete the remaining works as soon as possible and finish the project within the set time frames," Djedovic said.Service Photo Gallery