26. septembar 2023 17:19

Vucic, HBIS delegation discuss plans for further investments in Serbia

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Print screen/Instagram, @buducnostsrbijeav

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received a delegation of the Chinese HBIS Group on Tuesday to discuss the company's plans for further investments in Serbia.

"An excellent meeting with an HBIS Group delegation, with which I discussed their plans for further investments in Serbia. I thanked them for their committed work in terms of stable supplies to the domestic market as well as in terms of adapting to the demanding customer structures in the EU and to their highly-competitive market," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram account that also included photos from the meeting.

He added that the HBIS Group representatives had shared with him their satisfaction with a recent UNDP recognition naming the Smederevo-based company as one of the companies that had provided the best solutions for a green transformation of the Serbian economy.

The HBIS Group delegation was headed by HBIS President Yu Yong.