15. decembar 2023 15:10
NBS keeps CCyB rate unchanged

BELGRADE - The National Bank of Serbia (NBS) has decided to keep the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) rate for the Republic of Serbia at 0 pct and thus continues to support the lending market in an environment of tightened global financing conditions, the central bank has announced.
"As part of its responsibility to set measures and activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening financial stability, and based on the Decision on Capital Adequacy of Banks, the NBS calculates on a quarterly basis the reference guide based on which it sets the CCyB rate for the Republic of Serbia," the NBS said in a statement, adding that its Executive Board had made the decision at a December 7 session.
"The reference guide is calculated based on the deviation of the credit-to-GDP ratio from its long-term trend.
September 2023 data show that the share of total loans in GDP equalled 86.9 pct, while the estimated credit-to-GDP gap was 0.2 pp," it said.