25. jul 2024 13:18

Drecun: Investigation to reveal objectives of policeman's killer, Germany not cooperating

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video

BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian parliamentary committee on defence and interior affairs Milovan Drecun said on Thursday an investigation would reveal the objectives of Faton Hajrizi - an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo-Metohija who killed one Serbian border police officer and wounded another last week - and why he had come to central Serbia, and added that German authorities did not seem to be willing to cooperate and provide the necessary information.

After a two-day search, Hajrizi was found by the police in the Banja Koviljaca area and shot dead after firing several shots at police officers.

On July 6, Hajrizi escaped from a prison in Kosovo-Metohija in what was his ninth prison break.

"It is a bit problematic that Germany has still said nothing about information regarding the liquidated murderer's stay in the territory of that country. It is completely unclear how he was able to get to German territory despite the fact that the option of obtaining some documents was definitely available to him," Drecun told Pink TV.

He said Hajrizi's illegal armed presence in the territory of central Serbia showed that "smuggling channels" were quite active.

Without a doubt, all organised crime groups are quite interconnected, which is manifested in joint illegal activities, Drecun said.

"Of course, not all findings will be revealed during the investigation until the whole picture is finally put together. I suppose our agencies, our police and all relevant authorities have a bit more information than what has been revealed to the public and I hope the investigation will succeed in putting the whole picture together," he said.