30. jul 2024 19:12

Dacic meets with Italian ambassador

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic met with Italian Ambassador to Belgrade Luca Gori on Tuesday to discuss further police cooperation between Serbia and Italy and key issues in interior affairs.

The parties noted the significance of strengthening bilateral cooperation in the fight against organised crime, terrorism and illegal migration, as well as modalities of future cooperation that would include setting up joint patrols during the tourist season, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

Dacic and Gori said the practice of setting up such patrols had been proven to boost security at popular tourist resorts as well as coordination between the police forces of the two countries.

Dacic noted the significance of previous cooperation during his tenure as FM, which he said had made it possible to lay the foundations for future joint projects.

Gori said he was pleased with the results of joint work to date and added that Italy was ready to continue to support Serbia in interior affairs and the fight against crime.

Dacic thanked Gori for the support to date and said he hoped bilateral relations would continue to develop in a positive direction and would be accompanied by intensive cooperation between Serbian and Italian police.

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