9. septembar 2024 12:20

Vucic receives Chinese Communist Party official

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in Belgrade on Monday with Lin Wu, Chinese Communist Party Committee Secretary of China's Shandong province, to discuss the most important matters in the bilateral relations with China and numerous aspects of the strategic partnership between Serbia and China.

"A special topic of the discussion were ongoing expressway projects, specific steps regarding future cooperation as well as plans in the field of infrastructure development and modernisation in the road and air transport sectors," Vucic wrote in an Instagram post.

At the meeting, Vucic noted that Serbia was pleased with the work of Chinese companies, not only in terms of the speed and the quality of executed works but also due to innovative solutions and expertise that he said significantly raised the infrastructure standards in Serbia, making it an attractive investment destination.

"In that sense, I noted that the potential for diverse cooperation is enormous, especially in view of the fact that Shandong is home to many large investment corporations that are investing successfully around the world," Vucic wrote in the post.

He also noted that he had taken the opportunity to thank Chinese President Xi Jinping again for taking the overall Sino-Serbian relations to a strategic level, which he added was extremely important for Serbia's development.

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