12. septembar 2024 18:02

Dacic: Serbian delegation's visit to China contributing to strategic partnership

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug

SHENZHEN - Serbian Deputy PM and Interior Minister Ivica Dacic said in Shenzhen, China, on Thursday a Serbian delegation's visit to the Asian country contributed to the implementation of a Serbian-Chinese strategic partnership and all that had been agreed by Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Xi Jinping.

"It is definitely a significant contribution to the implementation of our strategic partnership and the joint statement by the two presidents, Aleksandar Vucic and Xi Jinping, on building global security. We also had several meetings, starting with the one with China's minister of public security in Beijing, and then an international conference was held in Lianyungang, attended by the interior ministers of some 30 countries around the world and by the president of Interpol," Dacic said.

He noted that Serbia had practically been a guest of honour country at the conference, where satisfaction was expressed with overall Sino-Serbian relations.

"Everyone immediately starts talking about the Serbia-China steely friendship, built, above all, through the good relationship between Vucic and Xi, and about the China-Serbia global strategic partnership. A partnership in interior affairs and public security is a part of that partnership. Continuing the visit in Guangzhou, we had a joint exercise of our special police units that was very successful. It was held for a third time and, next year, it will be held in Serbia," Dacic said.

He added that, just like Chinese police officers had patrolled in Serbia with Serbian colleagues last year, Serbian police officers were now doing the same in China alongside their Chinese colleagues.

Dacic said an agreement had been reached for China's minister of public security to pay a bilateral visit to Serbia in the coming months.