18. septembar 2024 17:24

Djuric: Kurti and his aides have no intention of giving up on unilateral moves

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Pristina's PM Albin Kurti and his aides have no intention of giving up on a policy of unilateral moves and denying the very essence of normalisation of relations, Serbian FM Marko Djuric said in a reaction to a statement by Kurti that Belgrade's measures aimed at helping Kosovo-Metohija Serbs were desperate and not conducive to peace.

"Negative reactions by Pristina's representatives to measures announced by Belgrade with the aim of protecting the human rights of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija and reaffirming dialogue are a confirmation of the fact Albin Kurti and his aides have no intention of giving up on a policy of unilateral moves and denying the very essence of normalisation of relations," Djuric said in a statement released by the Serbian MFA.

He called on the highest-ranking representatives of the Pristina provisional authorities to give up on a policy of violent ethno-nationalism and return to the negotiating table.

That is the only way to unblock the normalisation process where Pristina has blocked it - on the issue of establishing a Community of Serb Municipalities, he said.

"Rather than use phrases about Europe, international partners and democracy, they need to stop immediately the violence against Serbs and the blatant violations of their personal and collective rights, because that is the most European thing they can do right now," the minister noted.

If it wants a stable Western Balkans and a renewal of productive dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the international community must exert pressure to put an end to Kurti's policy of violence since he is unwilling to do so by his own will, Djuric added.

"I will stress this again - defence of the rights of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija and prevention of their expulsion is also a defence of fundamental European values," Djuric said.