20. septembar 2024 15:28

Serb brutally beaten up, robbed in Staro Gracko - Office for Kosovo-Metohija

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - The Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija said on Friday a Serb man had been brutally beaten up and robbed in his home in the Staro Gracko village in the Lipljan municipality in Kosovo-Metohija on Thursday night.

At around midnight, three attackers who were speaking in Albanian tied the victim, Dejan Radic, and beat him up with a stick and robbed him.

Radic's neighbours, who are Serbs, helped him and called the police.

Radic has been living alone in his family home since the recent passing of his mother.

The brutal attack is a consequence of an anti-Serb policy and institutional violence by Pristina and its PM Albin Kurti as well as of the numerous examples of police brutality, which send a message that Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija are desirable and legitimate targets for ethnic Albanians and that no one will be held responsible for their plight, the Office said.

"Attacks on Serbs have become a part of everyday life in Kosovo-Metohija, because any hatred gives rise to and inspires hatred, and Serbs in the much-suffering village have no peace even after two and a half decades, but are again being targeted by ethnic Albanians," it noted.

It said the attack had caused enormous concerns and apprehension amongst the Serbs who remained in Staro Gracko.