27. septembar 2024 17:25

Vucic awards Order of Serbian Flag, 2nd class to UAE ambassador to UN

Autor: Tanjug



NEW YORK  - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic awarded the Order of the Serbian Flag, 2nd class to the UAE permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Mohamed Abushahab, in New York on Friday.

Vucic thanked the UAE for supporting Serbia.

"Thank you for your support and friendship," Vucic said as he presented the order to the ambassador.

Abushahab said he was sincerely honoured to receive the order and that Serbia and the UAE maintained deep political and economic ties that were growing every day and were further strengthened by the close friendship between their leaders and the two nations.

By a presidential decree, the UAE ambassador was awarded the order for notable merit in development of international relations and strengthening peaceful cooperation and friendly relations between Serbia and the UAE.

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