20. novembar 2024 12:26
Ferguson: Now is right time to develop trade ties between UK, Western Balkans

BELGRADE - The UK's Ambassador to Serbia Edward Ferguson said on Wednesday now was the right time to develop trade ties between the UK and the Western Balkans and that the volume of trade between the UK and the region had been on a constant increase in the past decade.
Speaking at the opening of a regional conference on trade between the UK and the Western Balkans, Ferguson said that, for instance, Serbian fruit was sold at UK stores.
He said the Western Balkan region was seeing fast economic growth and that Serbia was projected to register the highest growth.
Serbia has a fast-growing economy and an affordable labour force, Ferguson said at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Serbia (PKS), which hosted the conference.
He noted that the UK was an excellent partner to the region when it comes to IT and green transition.
The ambassador commended the PKS's efforts in cherishing regional partnerships and said his embassy would provide support to UK companies wishing to do business in Serbia.