2. decembar 2024 18:08
Milovic: Serbs in northern Kosovo-Metohija face torture, we want probe into Varage incident
Foto: Tanjug video
ZUBIN POTOK - Srpska lista deputy leader Dragisa Milovic said on Monday Serbs in the north of Kosovo-Metohija were subjected to torture by Pristina's so-called special police in the wake of a blast that had damaged the Ibar-Lepenac canal in the Varage village.
Srpska lista is a political organisation of Kosovo-Metohija Serbs.
"For days now, we Serbs who live in the north, and especially families in the Ugljare and Varage villages, have been going through torture at the hands of special police forces," Milovic told Most TV.
He said police forces armed to the teeth and armoured vehicles were deployed at every junction and in all streets in an attempt to display power and intimidate the Serbs following the incident.
Without any grounds or evidence, Pristina immediately blamed Serbia, he said.
"Accusing Serbia and the Serbs was the easiest thing to do. But, at last night's press conference, (Pristina's PM Albin) Kurti said there is not enough evidence, that it was a weekend and that evidence is yet to be discussed," Milovic said.
Meanwhile, Serb families are suffering, he said, noting that several Serbs had been arrested.
Commenting on the blast itself, Milovic said:
"This raises the question of how something like that can possibly happen with so much police presence and control of the Brnjak administrative crossing, with all crossings towards central Serbia closed, and drones and so many police stations and illegal bases."
"It is a question for the investigative authorities. We have condemned that and called for a transparent, thorough investigation and KFOR and EULEX participation, and it will really be proven that Serbia has nothing to do with the incident in the Varage village," he said.
Damage to the canal certainly does not suit the Serbs as the aquaduct was built by Serbia, and the blast has left Serbs in the area without water supply and, in some cases, without electricity, Milovic said.