14. april 2023 15:41

Dodik: We will consider independence unless property issue is resolved

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik said on Friday in Belgrade Republika Srpska would be forced to consider, in the most serious manner, taking a decision on independence and secession unless property-related and other issues defined by the Bosnia and Herzegovina constitution were resolved.

Dodik said this at a press conference after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

He said he had informed Vucic "of the very difficult internal problems at Bosnia and Herzegovina level" and of attempts to disintegrate Republika Srpska.

"I stressed that the situation is fully burdened by constant demands for a disintegration of the constitutional and Dayton position of Republika Srpska and that they have culminated in an ignorant, cynical demand to set property as a problem at Bosnia and Herzegovina level so that they (Sarajevo) can deal with it," Dodik said, noting that respect of the Bosnia and Herzegovina constitution was the only thing Banjaluka wanted.

He warned that Republika Srpska believed that the engagement of Sarajevo and a part of the international community was leading to further disintegration of the constitutional position of Republika Srpska, and noted that the issue could no longer be delayed.

"Our defence from all that is that, in a reaction to that, we will be considering, in the most serious manner, taking a decision on independence and secession of Republika Srpska unless property-related and other issues defined by the Bosnia and Herzegovina constitution are resolved," Dodik said.

He noted that Republika Srpska was no longer able to invest or talk to investors due to its property being blocked, and added that even concession deals were now in doubt as a result.

All we want is respect of the Bosnia and Herzegovina constitution, and the position presented here by Aleksandar Vucic is realistic and rational - respect of Republika Srpska and respect of the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as of the recognised rights of Republika Srpska under the constitution itself, Dodik said.