10. maj 2023 16:26

EP passes Bilcik's report on Serbia

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video, arhiva

STRASBOURG - The European Parliament on Wednesday passed a report on Serbia with 508 votes in favour, 76 against and 37 abstentions.

Six hundred and twenty-one of 705 MEPs were in the room during the vote.

The report, whose draft was presented by rapporteur Vladimir Bilcik in February, includes nearly 500 amendments.

It was passed in the form of a resolution and is not legally binding.

The resolution includes an oral amendment by Bilcik that condemns in the strongest terms the recent mass shootings in Serbia and calls for a detailed investigation, as well as nine amendments that, among other matters, express regret over Serbia's failure to impose sanctions on Russia and condemn its close ties with the country.

The report also calls on Belgrade and Pristina to engage in dialogue in good faith and the spirit of compromise to reach a comprehensive, legally binding agreement on normalisation based on the "principle of mutual recognition."

It also urges full implementation of all agreements reached in the dialogue, including on a Community of Serb Municipalities.

The report reiterates serious concern over the state of freedom of expression and independence of media and highlights the issue as a top priority, but also welcomes the establishment of a government working group for protection of journalists.

It also notes that the EU accession process is based on true readiness of candidate countries to align with EU values and principles and voices concern over a trend of declining support for Serbia's EU membership and growing support to Russia.