30. jun 2023 16:17

Dacic, Guenov discuss regional stability, Kosovo-Metohija

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic met on Friday with a delegation headed by US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for International Security Affairs Tressa Guenov.

The parties noted that maintaining regional stability in the Western Balkans was a matter the US and Serbia found extremely significant.

They concluded that, in that sense, preservation of peace in Kosovo-Metohija and protection for Serbs living in the province was especially significant and that Kfor played a special role in that today, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement released after the meeting.

The parties expressed readiness to continue constructive and dynamic political dialogue and joint work on advancement of bilateral cooperation in all fields of mutual interest, and also noted they were especially pleased with advancements in defence cooperation.