7. jul 2023 15:20

Vucic: Important memorandum signed to curb illegal migration

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: AP Photo/Heinz-Peter Bader

VIENNA- Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday in Vienna Serbia, Austria and Hungary had signed an important trilateral memorandum on further cooperation in curbing illegal migration.

Speaking to reporters after a trilateral summit with the PMs of Austria and Hungary, Vucic said he was pleased to see that matters discussed at previous summits had been implemented and that the number of asylum seekers in Austria in the first quarter of this year was lower by 18 pct compared to the same period of last year.

He added this was a result of work done by the Austrian and Hungarian governments.

"We are ready to continue to work, especially towards the border with North Macedonia. I believe we will succeed in keeping this issue under control because that is in the best interest of our countries and entire Europe," Vucic said.

He noted that he believed a way would be found through joint forces to reverse trends in the years to come and maintain European progress.