17. jul 2023 18:26

Dacic: We have good cooperation with SNS, it will stay that way

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said on Monday his party maintained very good cooperation with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) - the main party in Serbia's ruling coalition - and added that it would stay that way in the future.

Responding to questions from reporters before a ceremonial session of the SPS Head Committee that marked the party's 33rd anniversary, Dacic said he cooperated with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on a daily basis and that recent votes in the parliament had demonstrated there was no political crisis of government.

"This is about objectives we have committed to and we have achieved very good results, so why would we have any problems in our relationship at all?" he added.

Asked what form of cooperation was acceptable to the SPS as part of the to-be-established People's Movement, Dacic said he would discuss the issue with Vucic but that the SPS was ready for joint activities.