20. jul 2023 19:09

Pristina indicts two Serbs over May protests

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Shutterstock.com/MIND AND I, ilustracija

PRISTINA - The special prosecutor's office in Pristina on Thursday indicted two Serbs for alleged "violent conduct".

The two, men identified by the initials S J and I S, were charged with being a part of a "group that committed the criminal offence of hooliganism" on May 29.

It said they had crossed into Kosovo-Metohija at Jarinje and "damaged private buildings and inflicted physical injuries to official persons."

In contact with other people in a crowd in Leposavic, they "agreed to join a violent crowd of Serb protesters," it said.

It also said pepper spray had been found during a search of I J's car.

Protests by Serbs in northern Kosovo-Metohija over forced entry of ethnic Albanian mayors into municipal buildings in four Serb-majority municipalities erupted on May 26 and dozens of protesters and Kfor troops were injured in May 29 clashes in Zvecan.