21. jul 2023 13:07

Vucevic: Arms acquired by Pristina not to be underestimated

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Friday arms Pristina had acquired from Turkey should not be underestimated as they did pose a military threat, but noted that they were no match for the military potential of the Serbian Armed Forces.

Speaking to Prva TV, Vucevic said Turkey's delivery of five Bayraktar UAVs to Pristina was the most flagrant violation of UNSCR 1244 and the 1999 Military Technical Agreement from Kumanovo.

Under those acts, Kfor can be the only military formation in Kosovo-Metohija until a return of Serbian forces, but Pristina is bypassing this, which poses an additional security threat to Serbia, Vucevic said.

"The Bayraktar is an offensive weapon and howitzers are offensive weapons. They (Pristina) are evidently preparing a military arsenal for offensive actions as well. They are arming themselves but you should not forget the fact that they are sending their officers to training to various NATO countries. They have joint exercises, which were suspended this year due to (Pristina PM Albin) Kurti's policy, and they are building their future military potential. Serbia must process that well intelligence-wise and act accordingly," Vucevic said.

Serbia expects Kfor, as the guarantor of security to all citizens in Kosovo-Metohija, not to allow anything that goes beyond reached agreements and to be a corrective factor, he said.

He noted that NATO as an alliance was not taking part in the establishment of a new Albanian army whose goal would be a unification of Albania and Kosovo-Metohija through Kurti's policy.

"Those topics are not pleasant at all and Serbia must handle them politically, through diplomacy and dialogue, while the other, defence and military component, is always ready if there is a need to react," Vucevic said.