25. jul 2023 18:56

Czech Republic to send ambassador to Pristina for first time

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Shutterstock.com/VladaKg03, ilustracija

PRAGUE - Fifteen years after recognising the so-called Kosovo, the Czech Republic will send an ambassador to Pristina for the first time.

At the government's proposal, President Petr Pavel has appointed Bohumil Mazanek to the post, the Czech ministry of foreign affairs said in a statement.

Mazanek will take over from the Czech charge d'affaires in Pristina.

The government of former PM Mirek Topolanek recognised the so-called Kosovo in 2008 but two former presidents, Vaclav Klaus and Milos Zeman, refused to appoint an ambassador to Pristina as they both fiercely opposed the decision of the Topolanek cabinet to recognise the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo in spite of strong opposition protests and divisions in the centre-right ruling coalition at the time.