9. avgust 2023 14:48

Serbian firms in Kosovo-Metohija stripped of certificates due to "unconstitutional content"

Autor: Tanjug



Foto: MTS

PRISTINA - The so-called Kosovo's business registration agency has revoked the registration certificates of 15 Serbian companies operating in Kosovo-Metohija, including Telekom Srbija's daughter company MTS doo, due to "unconstitutional content."

In a statement, Pristina's ministry of industry, entrepreneurship and trade said the companies had displayed content such as "Pec, Republic of Serbia", "Pristina, Serbia", "Djakovica, Republic of Serbia", "Kosovska Mitrovica, Republic of Serbia", "Gnjilane, Serbia", etc, and noted that it was allegedly "unconstitutional."

Telekom Srbija CEO Vladimir Lucic said earlier MTS would continue to operate and provide services to its customers despite a decision by the Pristina authorities to shut down the company.

He said MTS had been set up under the Brussels Agreement and that any attempt to stop its operations by force would result in hefty damages being awarded to Telekom Srbija by an international court.