6. septembar 2023 18:56

Petkovic: Pantic released on bail ahead of trial

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic announced on Wednesday Serb Dejan Pantic, a former police officer from Kosovo-Metohija who was detained by Pristina authorities last year and subsequently transferred to house arrest, had been released on bail ahead of trial.

"Dejan Pantic, who was first held for days by the Kosovo police at a Jarinje base without medicines and without contact with his family, and who was transferred to house arrest only after strong pressure from Kosovo-Metohija Serbs and diplomatic action by Belgrade, was today released to stand trial as a free man," Petkovic wrote in a post on the social media network X, formerly known as Twitter.

"Serbia is not forgetting its innocently arrested compatriots and will continue the fight for every one of them," Petkovic noted.