20. septembar 2023 18:06

Petkovic: Latest arrests a continuation of ethnic cleansing of Kosovo Serbs

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Wednesday the arrests of three Serbs in the province by Pristina's special police units earlier in the day were a continuation of an ethnic cleansing of Serbs there.

At a press conference, Petkovic said the arrests meant that Pristina PM Albin Kurti's threats that Serbs "would suffer and pay" had begun to materialise, and added that another arrest was likely underway in the Kajkovo village in the Leposavic municipality.

He said Pristina's police had arrested Ilija Elezovic - an elderly man who is also a serious oncological patient - Dragan Milovic - a father of three - and 73-year-old Zoran Kostic, whose arrest was assisted by employees of Pristina's power company who had come to his home purportedly to check his electricity meter.

"Today's arrests, which I can call kidnappings, were made exclusively on orders from Kurti, who wants to expel Serbs from Kosovo-Metohija. That is an example of ethnic cleansing. Kurti is the one who wants to start a war and, in spite of all the pressure from the international community, he evidently has someone's support, above all, support from those who talk about the policies of the two sides even though Kurti is exclusively to blame," Petkovic said.

He also said he had spoken with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about calling a UN Security Council session on the situation in Kosovo-Metohija as soon as possible.