21. septembar 2023 15:05

Stano: EU closely following situation in north Kosovo

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug/video

BRUSSELS - Commenting on Wednesday's arrest of three Kosovo-Metohija Serbs by Pristina's police, EU spokesperson Peter Stano said on Thursday the EU was following the situation in the north of Kosovo-Metohija very closely and would react if and when appropriate.

"The view of the EU and the 27 member states of the EU regarding also the situation in north Kosovo is very clearly phrased in the statement by the 27 member states from earlier this week, so it is all written there… We are following, obviously, the situation very closely and we are in close touch with the relevant counterparts and authorities to have a complete understanding about developments and we will react, of course, if and when appropriate, publicly," Stano said at a Brussels press briefing when asked by Tanjug to comment on the arrests and whether the EU would do something about them.

Asked by an ethnic Albanian reporter whether the EU believed a Community of Serb Municipalities must be established in line with the constitution of the so-called Kosovo, Stano responded that the EU's position was clear - that the Community must be established without any pre-condition or delay, and added that the parties knew what they needed to do.

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