26. decembar 2022 17:00

Pristina's police ban Patriarch Porfirije from entering Kosovo-Metohija

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Pristina's police banned Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church from entering Kosovo-Metohija on Monday afternoon.

Despite Sunday's letter from Pristina that said he was not allowed to visit the province, the patriarch headed to the Merdare administrative crossing but was unable to cross into the territory.

According to a document from the general directorate of Pristina's police, seen by Tanjug, the patriarch - referred to by his secular name Prvoslav Peric - was denied entry at Merdare at 2.25 pm pursuant to a so-called Law on Foreigners and a decision by the Pristina government.

After spending a few minutes on the side of the crossing that is controlled by Pristina's police, the car carrying the patriarch turned around and headed back towards Kursumlija, the Kosovo Online news portal said.