6. oktobar 2023 16:13

Orlic: Serbia-Azerbaijan relations at historical high point

Autor: Tanjug



BAKU - Serbian Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic, who is on an official visit to Baku, said on Friday Serbia-Azerbaijan relations were at a historical high point and based on mutual respect, understanding and support.

Orlic began the visit with a meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, whom he thanked for the importance he attached to comprehensive bilateral ties with Serbia.

Orlic conveyed to Aliyev the regards of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and confirmed Serbia's commitment to implementing a joint declaration of the two presidents that, among other aspects, noted the significance of exchanging visits and maintaining parliamentary cooperation with a view to further strengthening the friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries, the Serbian parliament said in a statement.

The parties confirmed that Serbia and Azerbaijan, unanimously and in a principled manner, respected international law and the UN principles and supported each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Orlic thanked Azerbaijan for its firm decision not to recognise the so-called "Kosovo" and for its support to Serbia, shown especially in the Council of Europe.

"We consider such a stance to be a proof of firm friendship," Orlic noted.

He informed Aliyev of the extremely grave situation in Serbia's southern province - for which he noted Albin Kurti was exclusively to blame - and Kurti's terrible campaign of ethnic cleansing of Serbs.

Orlic said Serbia remained committed to further development and to achieving new results in the economy, infrastructure and investments, as well as to cooperation with its friends in Azerbaijan.

Aliyev noted that the partnership and the relations between the two countries were being advanced constantly thanks to his friendship with Vucic, which he said was seconded by officials and citizens of Serbia and Azerbaijan.

Aliyev reconfirmed that Azerbaijan's firm support to Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty would be continued in the future and that Azerbaijan would stand with Serbia and represent its interests in international forums and organisations, the statement said.

"Count on Azerbaijan, because we always stand with our friends and on the side of justice," Aliyev was quoted as saying.