28. decembar 2022 12:25

Vucevic: Serbia ready for agreement, which does not mean red lines will be moved

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video

BELGRADE - Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Wednesday Serbian citizens should not be afraid due to the situation in Kosovo-Metohija, and noted that Belgrade was ready for an agreement but that that did not mean "red lines" would be moved.

"The red lines mean that there will be no new pogrom, 'Flash' or 'Storm'. If the international community wants this returned to the format of dialogue, the series of irrational moves by Albin Kurti's administration must be stopped. The Serbs have not taken to the streets for no reason, but due to a series of moves by Pristina," Vucevic said in an appearance on the RTS.

He added that the Serbian Armed Forces were ready to execute any task and would react in case the president of Serbia, who is also the commander-in-chief, ordered them to.

"Let's try to fight for Kosovo-Metohija, for the survival and the life of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija, by political means, rather than get into a scenario that was written for us in the 1990s and get the halo of the ideal culprit. We must not get into that cliche. Serbia is pursuing a Serbian policy - we are not an isolated island, but that does not mean Serbia is a punching bag or a bargaining chip," Vucevic said, calling for "wisdom and a rational approach."

"We should not be ashamed of emotions, but they must not prevail in the decision-making process," he added.