8. novembar 2023 18:58

Brnabic: No regression noted in EC report

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - After receiving the European Commission's annual report on Serbia, PM Ana Brnabic said the EC had recognised clear progress made by Serbia in all key fields and that no regression on reforms was noted in any of them.

She received the 2023 report from the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret.

"The most important thing is that the EU has recognised the clear progress made by Serbia in the European integration process, and that is fully evident. The report contains no fields where regression is noted compared to last year's report," she said.

She said progress was noted in all key fields - rule of law, the economy and fundamental rights - and that stagnation was registered in three fields, including fisheries, due to Serbia's failure to adopt an action plan.

She thanked the EC for its work and efforts made to assess reforms in Serbia over the past 12 months.

"The report is a snapshot of things we have been doing over the past year to bring our legislation and legal framework closer to those of the EU," Brnabic said.

She said the EC report noted that the level of preparedness of the Serbian economy was good and that certain progress had been made.

Giaufret said enlargement occupied a central position in the EU policy and that the opportunity was there and needed to be seized.