27. novembar 2023 18:18

Petkovic: Militarisation of so-called KSF biggest threat to peace in W Balkans

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - The director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said Monday's so-called "Kosovo Security Force Day" celebrations in Kosovo-Metohija were nothing but festivities of Greater Albanian chauvinism and a promotion of the concept of a mono-ethnic self-proclaimed Kosovo, and noted that Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, the main affirmator of that policy, had not even tried to hide this.

Petkovic said the lining up of the paramilitary troops - which Pristina is not allowed to have under UNSCR 1244 - along with symbols of the terrorist "Kosovo Liberation Army" and a flag of the so-called Greater Albania, was the most open threat to states in the region that were targeted by territorial pretensions by Kurti and Greater Albanian chauvinists.

"For years, Belgrade has been warning that the process of militarising the 'KSF' is the biggest threat to peace and stability in the Western Balkans, and today's phalangist ceremony confirms that very clearly," Petkovic noted in an official statement.

A formation that cherishes the traditions of the criminal and terrorist "KLA" is the same in terms of its nature and goals, and all those who are failing to notice this will themselves be to blame for all the evil that could result from Kurti's militant actions, he added.

"By clearly designating the 'KSF' as the successor of the 'KLA', Kurti has unequivocally threatened the Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija with new crimes and pogroms, and Serbia is taking that threat very seriously," Petkovic said.

We hereby again condemn in the strongest terms any form of support by a part of the international community to that illegal paramilitary organisation, whose doctrine comes down to destruction of all those who oppose the materialisation of the fascist Greater Albania concept, Petkovic said.