4. decembar 2023 11:55

Vucic: Italy could become our top partner once production of new Fiat Panda starts

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Italian PM Giorgia Meloni in Belgrade on Sunday afternoon.

At a joint press conference after the meeting, Vucic said they had discussed all important issues and agreed that Serbia and Italy, as exceptionally friendly countries, maintained good political and economic relations.

He noted that Italy could again become Serbia's number one partner once automaking giant Stellantis launched the production of a new Fiat Panda model in Kragujevac, central Serbia.

"I also discussed with Meloni all regional issues and Serbia's EU path, and I am grateful to the Italian PM for Italy's substantial and persevering support for Serbia's EU path. I am especially grateful to Giorgia for always wanting to hear our opinion and always having enough time to hear out what Serbia has to say, and for not having a unilateral approach to problems in the region," Vucic said at the Palace of Serbia.

He thanked Meloni for coming to Serbia despite her busy schedule and noted that her visit was an honour and a privilege to Serbia and would help boost bilateral relations further.

He said the volume of bilateral trade amounted to 4.6 bln euros a year but could be much higher, especially after the launch of the production of the new Fiat model - an electrically-powered Panda - in Kragujevac next year.

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