8. decembar 2023 19:44
Gov't: Fulfilment of GRECO recommendations result of engagement on rule of law
BELGRADE - The Serbian government said on Friday Serbia's success in fulfilment of recommendations issued by the Council of Europe's anti-corruption watchdog GRECO was a result of engagement on strengthening rule of law and ensuring judicial independence following the adoption of constitutional amendments, a set of judicial and other laws and bylaws and procedures.
In a statement following the release of a GRECO report that says Serbia has made significant progress in the fight against corruption by successfully fulfilling 10 of 13 GRECO recommendations from a fourth round of evaluation and partially fulfilling the remaining three, the government said it was committing to continue to work on fulfilling the remaining recommendations and further development of the judicial system in line with European standards.
According to the GRECO report, implementation of new codes of ethics for MPs, judges and prosecutors also significantly raises the standards of integrity and professionalism, the government statement said.
The report notes significant progress made in a reform of the High Judicial Council as the majority of its members are elected by judges to reduce political influence.
The report also says similar reforms have been achieved in the State Prosecutorial Council.
It also says transparency has been improved through publication of draft laws and amendments as well as through more efficient holding of public debates.