11. decembar 2023 12:32

Lajcak announces separate discussions with chief negotiators of Belgrade, Pristina

Autor: Tanjug



BRUSSELS - The EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said he and his team had been preparing in Brussels for "upcoming separate discussions" with the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina.

Recapping last week's activities in a Facebook post, Lajcak wrote that he had on Wednesday had "an open exchange with European Affairs Committee members of the German Bundestag, who were visiting the heart of our EU institutions."

"We discussed the new momentum for EU enlargement and I briefed them about the state of play in the Dialogue and the next steps. I am grateful for Germany's strong support to my work, their engagement in the Balkans, and their advocacy for the EU future of the entire region," he wrote.

"Towards the end of the week, I was invited to speak on a panel organized as a part of the annual Friends of Europe - EU-Western Balkans Summit in Brussels. In my address, I stressed that for the first time in a while, the EU is ready for enlargement. It’s high time to seize the opportunity to take the European integration of the Western Balkans forward. On Friday, I met with the US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill. It is always useful to compare notes and plan next steps. I'm grateful for the excellent cooperation on the Dialogue," Lajcak noted.