15. decembar 2023 19:23

Three people arrested over false bomb alerts in Serbia

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: shutterstock.com/Fotosr52, ilustracija

BELGRADE - Three people from the territory of the Republic of Serbia have been arrested on suspicion of sending false bomb alerts to educational and other institutions in the country, the Serbian Ministry of Interior said on Friday evening.

In a joint operation with Czech investigative authorities that was coordinated through Eurojust, Serbian police arrested P D, aged 23, from Odzaci and J M and T C, aged 27 and 42, respectively, from the vicinity of Zrenjanin, on suspicion of the criminal offence of endangering safety.

They are suspected of having sent a series of bomb alerts by email over a prolonged period of time, using anonymous services.

They have been placed in detention for up to 48 hours and will appear before prosecutors to answer charges of the criminal offence.

In collaboration with the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office - the Special Public Prosecutors's Office for High-Technology Crime, the police are continuing their work with a view to prosecution of other people linked with the threats.