5. januar 2024 14:22

Serbian patriarch visits Visoki Decani monastery in Kosovo-Metohija

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video

DECANI - On the third day of his trip to Kosovo-Metohija, Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church visited the Visoki Decani monastery and said peace was a spiritual category and that Kosovo was to be defended, above all, by doing good deeds.

After bowing to the holy remains of Stefan Decanski, the patriarch said peace was a spiritual category and thus also had a spiritual value.

"Remember - peace, unity, love or Kosovo are not to be defended on YouTube or Twitter. Come here and see, bear a part of the cross and a part of the plight, share the good that you have and may your shoulder be prepared to provide support to a weary head and then, when you or anyone else is in need, God will ensure that we, too, have both peace and love," the patriarch told believers at the monastery.

There is no peace without spiritual peace, he said.

"We cannot accomplish anything without prayer, without a spiritual feat. That is the precondition for God to act and be invoked by us, and take matters into his own hands," he noted.

The most important thing is to know that understanding, unity and peace cannot be achieved through inquietude, Patriarch Porfirije said.

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