5. februar 2024 18:39

Dacic: Request for urgent UNSC session due to overall situation in Kosovo-Metohija

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video

ROME - Serbian First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic said on Monday Serbia's request for an urgent UNSC session was due to the overall situation in Kosovo-Metohija, the terror against Serbs, an attempt to ban the Serbian dinar and violations of UNSCR 1244 and all other international documents related to Kosovo-Metohija.

"The head of Serbia's permanent mission to the UN Nemanja Stevanovic has submitted a request to hold an urgent UNSC session. The request for an urgent session was submitted to Guyana, the presiding nation. The request can be adopted without a vote, with no objections, but if anyone requests that, there can be a vote about it, because that is the practice introduced in recent years," Dacic said in a statement after a Western Balkans ministerial meeting in Rome.

He said he expected all countries to accept the request due to the nature of the situation.

Dacic said the request was substantiated by a full timeline of events and a description of the current situation in Kosovo-Metohija.

"The Guyanese ambassador will certainly call a meeting where this issue will be addressed. I have had discussions with my colleagues and I also spoke with the president this morning," Dacic said.

He explained that he had spoken with several FMs whose countries included both recognisers and non-recognisers of the so-called Kosovo.

"I spoke with Russian Minister (Sergey) Lavrov and informed him of the submission of the request. Of course, he pledged support. I spoke with the minister of Slovenia, the minister from Malta and also with FMs from African countries," Dacic said, adding that he would speak with an Algerian representative on Tuesday.

He said no objections to holding the session were expected.

"But knowing everything that has happened in the past years and that even something that is crystal clear does not need to be quite like that sometimes, let's wait for the outcome," Dacic said.