7. februar 2024 13:02

Brnabic: Draft EP resolution contains no arguments

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday a draft European Parliament resolution on Serbia to be passed on Thursday contained no arguments and completely ignored the fact Kosovo-Metohija Serbs had been banned from voting in Serbian elections.

"They do not mention that with a single letter or word in that resolution. You will not find the fact Albin Kurti has banned Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija from voting... ...Do you think that is an irrelevant topic for the EP? I think it is one of the most important things when it comes to rule of law, international principles, legal norms," Brnabic said in appearance on Happy TV.

She said the draft resolution called on the European Commission to halt EU accession talks with Serbia unless Belgrade imposed sanctions on Russia.

"That is the other important thing I would ask the citizens to remember in order to understand what this is about and what the character of that resolution is," Brnabic said.

She said the draft also urged the EC to be less lenient to Serbia.

"The resolution equally criticises the EC for its 'lenient attitude' and urges it to be more critical of Serbia and stop all funding for Serbia, our citizens, infrastructure, our health care and education systems until an international inquiry is conducted (into Serbian elections) and until the key ODIHR recommendations are met," Brnabic said, noting that the ODIHR itself was unable to say what its key recommendations were.