9. februar 2024 11:30

Vucic: Serbia is no one's puppet, but independent, sovereign, freedom-loving country

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video

NEW YORK - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in the UN Security Council on Thursday evening Serbia was no one's puppet, but an independent, sovereign and freedom-loving country.

He said this at the end of the UN body's special session on Kosovo-Metohija, in response to a speech by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti.

"Someone needs to realise that, under the UN Charter and UNSCR 1244, the only territorial integrity that has been violated is the territorial integrity of Serbia. There are no other countries where territorial integrity has been violated," Vucic said, thanking 109 UN member states for not recognising the so-called Kosovo and adhering to the UN Charter and UNSCR 1244.

He also responded to a remark branding Serbia as a Russian proxy.

"Serbia is an independent, sovereign and freedom-loving country, and we are no one's puppet - of the US, Russia or any other country in the world - and that is how it will stay," Vucic said.