9. februar 2024 12:51

Dacic: Vucic demonstrated statesmanly approach to protecting national interests

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said on Friday President Aleksandar Vucic had once again demonstrated a statesmanly approach to protecting the interests of Serbia and the Serbs as a whole.

"In his speech at the urgent UN Security Council Session, in a brilliant manner, he (Vucic) informed the entire world of the unbearable position of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija, caused by Albin Kurti's criminal regime," Dacic said in a statement to Tanjug.

He noted that Vucic had demonstrated to everyone Kurti was the main threat to peace and stability.

"For that reason, Vucic's speech is historic, and the international community has the responsibility to stop Kurti and ensure the implementation of UNSCR1244 and the Brussels Agreement," Dacic said.