4. mart 2024 13:44

Dacic: We stand ready to continue cooperation with SNS, Vucic

Autor: Tanjug



Foto: Tanjug video

BELGRADE - Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) President Ivica Dacic said on Monday the SPS-led Ivica Dacic - PM of Serbia electoral list stood ready to continue to cooperate with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and announced that all state bodies would be formed in the weeks to come.

"We have already said on several occasions, and we also reiterated today, that we are proud of all the good results we have achieved together (with the SNS) since 2012 and that we believe preserving political stability is vital for the development and the future of Serbia as that is the precondition for defending the state and national interest as well as for accomplishing the development goals," Dacic said after consultations with Vucic on a PM designate.

He said Vucic had spoken about the current political situation as well as about foreign policy aspects, pressure on Serbia, economic affairs and issues of further development.

"The discussion confirmed what we have been saying in the past months - that we are mutually interested in continuing our cooperation," Dacic said.