25. mart 2024 12:12

Vucic: We will never join NATO

Autor: Tanjug




PROKUPLJE - Speaking at a state ceremony commemorating the victims of the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday evening Pristina had been admitted to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly as associate member.

"Thank you - that is so that we know we will never join NATO and that we will safeguard and protect our military neutrality. And when you admit them to the Council of Europe, we will have a response to that, too. So much for your lies, sanctions against Pristina and everything else. There is nothing you have not rewarded them with and nothing you have not punished Serbia with," Vucic said in Prokuplje, southern Serbia, in a message to Serbia's "false friends."

"They cannot take away our right to live for our country and love freedom more than anything," he said.

Serbia will never agree to Kosovo-Metohija being taken away from it, he said.

"Many have tried to destroy Serbia but never succeeded," he said.

Serbia will fight with everything it has to preserve its territory, and it will know how to protect and defend itself, he said.Service Photo Gallery

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