4. april 2024 13:40

Pantic Pilja: CoE membership for so-called Kosovo would violate international law

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug video

BELGRADE - At a meeting with Swiss Ambassador to Belgrade Urs Schmid, the members of Serbia's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) noted that potential CoE membership for the so-called Kosovo would be a gross violation of international law and the organisation's statute and principles.

Delegation head Biljana Pantic Pilja said Serbia would consider its further participation in the work of the PACE if the so-called Kosovo was admitted to the international parliamentary organisation at a session scheduled for this month.

She noted that Albin Kurti's regime was violating the human rights of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija in the grossest possible way.

"The Serbian currency and Serbian goods have been banned in Kosovo-Metohija and, amid constant pressure and attacks, 11 per cent of Serbs have already left that part of the Serbian territory since Kurti's rise to power," Pantic Pilja said.

The delegation members said they expected the Swiss parliamentary delegation to the PACE to support respect of international law.

Schmid said he was aware of Belgrade's concerns and added that he hoped Serbia would remain a CoE member as it belonged in it.

He noted that, despite differing positions on some issues, Serbia and Switzerland maintained a long-time friendship.