8. april 2024 15:29

Vucic: Meeting with Macron to address important topics, including so-called Kosovo, CoE

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug/video

PARIS - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said his meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday evening would address various important topics including bilateral cooperation as well as Belgrade-Pristina ties and the so-called Kosovo's potential admission to the Council of Europe (CoE).

Speaking to reporters in Paris, Vucic said he wanted to hear what Macron, who he noted was one of the most significant world leaders, had to say about the topics.

"We also have topics regarding bilateral relations and how we will solve relationships with some banks, how we will solve the issues of project management and waste water treatment in our country," Vucic said.

He said Serbia had obtained a significant amount of funds for waste water treatment projects that remained unused and that the country needed cooperation with French partners that knew how to manage such projects.

Vucic said cooperation in project management also applied to maintenance works on the future Belgrade metro system, whose first line is slated for completion in 2028.

Vucic dismissed as untrue allegations by an official of the opposition Freedom and Justice Party that his visit to France was aimed at selling Serbia's national power company EPS, waterworks networks and defence industry, and said the objective was to hold discussions with French partners on various topics, including the Kosovo-Metohija issue and a purchase of Rafale fighter jets.