11. april 2024 11:29

Vucic: Good, substantial meeting with Borg

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday he had had a good and substantial meeting with OSCE Chairman and Maltese FM Ian Borg and added that they had exchanged views on bilateral relations, the regional and geopolitical situation as well as Serbia-OSCE cooperation and progress of reform processes in the country.

"I noted the importance of the OSCE role in preserving security and stability in Europe and respect of international public law. On this occasion, too, I warned of the constant neglect and violation of reached agreements when it comes to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and pointed out the serious consequences of such actions by Pristina and a part of the international community," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram account.

He added that he had reiterated that Serbia, "in these challenging circumstances, too, is acting consistently and responsibly both within the foreign policy framework and internally, while respecting the legislative frameworks, cherishing constructive dialogue and protecting its people and its national and state interests."Service Photo Gallery

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