12. april 2024 14:09

Vucic: Good, open discussions with Troccaz

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Friday he had had good and open discussions with French special Western Balkans envoy Rene Troccaz about the situation in the region and the current geopolitical circumstances.

"I was pleased to welcome Mr Troccaz, with whom I continued the good and open discussions I had with President (Emmanuel) Macron and other top French officials in Paris," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram account.

Vucic said they had discussed the situation in the region, the current geopolitical circumstances and all challenges Serbia was facing in terms of security and preservation of the international legal order.

"I especially noted the absurdity of the so-called Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, whereby Pristina, which is consistently turning a deaf ear on all signed agreements, would practically be rewarded for its policy of discrimination and growing pressure on Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija," Vucic said.

He thanked France for supporting Serbia on its European path as well as in the process of dialogue with Pristina, including respect of all reached agreements.

"I reiterated that Serbia is a serious and responsible partner that keeps its word and approaches constructively the solving of common problems, which it also expects from its collocutors," Vucic added.Service Photo Gallery

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