18. april 2024 13:43

Dacic on draft Srebrenica resolution: The strong can do anything - we will fight

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: Tanjug/video

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said on Thursday there was no genocide that had not been committed by countries that had signed up to a draft UN General Assembly resolution on Srebrenica, and added that "the powerful can do anything" but that Serbia would fight against its adoption.

"There is no genocide that countries that have signed up to the resolution have not committed. The powerful can do anything - we will fight," Dacic told reporters when asked about informal consultations in New York about the draft resolution.

He said it was clear there was no consensus on the "zero draft", presented by Germany, Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina on Wednesday.

"The Bosnia and Herzegovina representative can speak in his name only - he is a representative of Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina. If a Serb was in New York, there would be no such resolution, right? If a Serb was in Strasbourg (in the Council of Europe), there would be no vote. How can Bosnia and Herzegovina vote for (CoE) admission for 'Kosovo' and expect us to respect their territorial integrity and sovereignty?" Dacic said.

He said many countries had opposed the manner in which the draft resolution was being adopted.

"The Serbs cannot be the only ones labeled as a genocidal people. What about others?" Dacic said, noting that the Netherlands, which has backed the draft resolution, was being sued for slavery.

"It is all going to come (to the UNGA) - Jasenovac (a WWII death camp run by Croats) and the Kragujevac mass executions (of Serbians) by (Nazi German) firing squads. Now, it is all going to come. Two can play at that game," Dacic said.