1. maj 2024 15:36

Vucevic: New gov't's foreign policy to be based on defence of national interests

Autor: Tanjug



BELGRADE - Serbia's PM Designate Milos Vucevic announced on Wednesday his government's foreign policy would be based on defence of Serbian national interests, including defending the country's territorial integrity and preserving all of its development potentials.

Presenting his programme at a special parliament session, Vucevic said these were "two sides of the same coin" without which there was no building prosperity and a better future for Serbian children and the generations to come.

"I would especially note the significance of the strategic partnership of the Republic of Serbia with the People's Republic of China, which will this year culminate in the ratification and entry into force of a FTA that will open the door to the large Chinese market to our businesspeople," he said.

Despite positions to the contrary held by many in the West, Serbia regards China as a friendly country, a partner and a dependable ally in the defence of territorial integrity, he said, adding that Serbia's position on the One China policy would remain unchanged.

"I very much look forward to the upcoming visit by President Xi (Jinping) and I am certain it will mean a new chapter in the development of the steely friendship between Serbia and China," Vucevic said.

He also noted Serbia could not and would not turn its back on its friendship with Russia, whose people Serbia regards as brothers, and added that the same was the case with Ukraine and its people.

"We have condemned clearly Russia's attack on Ukraine, but we have also expressed our disapproval of the policy of sanctions against the Russian Federation," Vucevic said, adding that Serbia did not want to and would not join the sanctions.

He also said building the best possible relationship with the US was in the interest of Serbia.

"In areas where there are fundamental disagreements, such as when it comes to the status of Kosovo-Metohija, we will be reiterating our position tirelessly and we will never deviate from it. We will work as much as it is necessary for our American partners to hear us and understand us as much as possible and respect our arguments," Vucevic said.